关于「 utxo」的内容列表

UTXO and Sora Ventures acquire a majority stake in Hong Kong-listed company HK Asia Holdings Limited

UTXO Management announced that it has partnered with Sora Ventures to complete a Web3 strategic acquisition. The two companies will acquire 70.26% of the issued share capital of HK Asia Holdings Limited, a Hong Kong-listed company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. They intend to change the company's name to Moon Inc. The new leadership team is dedicated to generating higher returns for the business and shareholders, and plans to use their resources and experience to invest in Bitcoin, Web3...

2025-01-25 04:50:45
UTXO与Sora Ventures收购香港上市公司HK Asia Holdings Limited多数股权

UTXO Management宣布与Sora Ventures合作完成一笔Web3战略收购,两家公司供收购港交所上市公司香港亚洲控股公司HK Asia Holdings Limited已发行股本的70.26%,打算将公司更名为Moon Inc.,新领导团队致力于为业务和股东创造更高的回报,并计划利用其资源和经验进行比特币、Web3和加密货币投资。据悉,UTXO与Sora Ventures曾帮助日本上市公司Metaplanet拓展Web3和比特币战略。

2025-01-25 04:50:45
UniSat: inscriptions and runes UTXO management tool is in Fractal testing

UniSat announced in a post on the X platform that the inscription and rune UTXO management tool is currently in Fractal beta and an update is coming soon.

2025-01-20 15:06:33

UniSat 在 X 平台发文宣布,铭文和符文 UTXO 管理工具目前正处于 Fractal 测试阶段,更新即将推出。

2025-01-20 15:06:33
UTXO Stack will launch the Lightning Network Liquidity Incentive Program in 2025

UTXO Stack, the modular BTC L2 blockchain startup platform, has officially released the white paper "The Decentralized Liquidity Staking Layer for Hybrid Lightning Network", and launched the 2025 roadmap and new official website. The white paper details UTXO Stack as the liquidity pledge layer of the Lightning Network, combining core components such as Hybrid LN, Decentralized Liquidity Staking (DLSP), Swap Node, Wallet, and SDK to jointly solve...

2024-12-26 03:25:11
UTXO Stack 2025 年将开启闪电网络流动性激励计划

模块化BTC L2区块链启动平台UTXO Stack正式发布白皮书《The Decentralized Liquidity Staking Layer for Hybrid Lightning Network》,同时推出2025年路线图及全新官网。白皮书详细阐述了UTXO Stack作为闪电网络流动性质押层,结合混合型闪电网络(Hybrid LN)、去中心化流动性抵押(DLSP)、Swap Node、Wallet以及SDK等核心组件,共同解决...

2024-12-26 03:25:11
UTXO Stack transforms into a Lightning Network staking layer and plans to launch a token incentive mechanism

UTXO Stack announced the official transformation to the Lightning Network staking layer, providing better liquidity and a better revenue model for the Lightning Network through a decentralized staking protocol. At the same time, UTXO Stack plans to launch a token incentive mechanism to incentivize staking CKB and BTC to enhance the liquidity of state channels. This transformation will bring the Lightning Network to the masses by providing liquidity incentives to build a more scalable Bitcoin eco...

2024-09-13 07:36:22
UTXO Stack 转型为闪电网络质押层并计划推出代币激励机制

UTXO Stack 宣布正式转型为闪电网络质押层,通过去中心化质押协议为闪电网络提供更好的流动性和更好的收益模型。同时 UTXO Stack 计划推出代币激励机制,激励质押 CKB 和 BTC 以增强状态通道的流动性。此次转型将通过提供流动性激励,将闪电网络推向大众,构建更具可扩展性的比特币生态。

2024-09-13 07:36:22
BTC smart contract layer Turingbitchain (TBC) launched version 2.0 of the official website

According to the official news, the BTC smart contract layer Turingbitchain (TBC) based on the native Bitcoin UTXO model has launched version 2.0 of the official website. turingbitchain.io official website integrates developer documentation, making it easier than ever for developers and ecosystem partners to explore and build innovative applications on TBC, unlocking more liquidity and gameplay for the BTC ecosystem. Application forms and reward programs will be announced in the near future.

2024-08-21 10:06:30


2024-08-21 10:06:30
Boya Interactive: Invest $1 million in UTXO Fund and Will Collaborate with BTC Inc

Boya Interactive announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 16 that the Group has recently entered into a subscription agreement with UTXO Ventre, LLC (referred to as UTXOVenture) to invest a total of US $1 million in UTXO Bitcoin Ecosystem Fund 1 LP (UTXO Fund). UTXO Venture is a general partner of UTXO Fund. In addition to investing in UTXO Fund, the Group will also carry out strategic cooperation with BTC Inc. in the field of Bitcoin ecosystem. According to information provided by UTXO...

2024-07-16 08:43:59
博雅互动:向UTXO基金投资100万美元并将与BTC Inc.开展合作

博雅互动7月16日在港交所公告,集团于近期已与UTXO Ventre, LLC(简称UTXOVenture)订立认购协议,向UTXO Bitcoin Ecosystem Fund 1 LP(UTXO基金)投资合共100万美元。UTXO Venture是UTXO基金的普通合伙人。除投资UTXO基金外,集团还将与BTC Inc.在比特币生态领域开展战略合作。 根据UTXO基金提供的信息,UTXO基金主要专注于新兴的比特币生态系统,从消费者到机构应用场景。

2024-07-16 08:43:59
Nervos CKB首席架构师Jan Xie:UTXO+PoW才是行业真正的创新,行业目前正在向初心回归

4月9日消息,Nervos CKB首席架构师JanXie出席2024香港Web3嘉年华活动,并在主会场发表《比特币文艺复兴的缘由与途径》主旨演讲。 Jan表示,我们正在经历比特币文艺复兴,它让我们意识到到,UTXO+PoW才是行业真正的创新,行业目前正在向初心回归。比特币生态的爆发,让比特币需要可编程的L2,需要通用同构绑定赋予资产可编程性,从而走向Web5的世界。 本场论坛以比特币为主题,由万向区块链实验室、...

2024-04-09 06:00:01
OKX Ventures宣布投资UTXO Stack种子轮

4月4日消息,OKX Ventures宣布了对UTXO Stack的种子轮融资。UTXO Stack是一个模块化的BTC Layer 2区块链启动平台,处于扩展比特币生态的前沿,使开发者能够容易地启动基于UTXO模型的BTC Layer 2解决方案。 OKX Ventures的创始人Dora表示,UTXO Stack 为比特币生态提供了更多可能性和技术的选择,其释放了Nevos和RGB++的协议带来的技术潜力,让更多开发者可以低门槛搭建 BTC ...

2024-04-04 02:41:37